Waldameer - June 3, 2023

After a fantastic day at Knoebels, my wife and I moved on to stop #2: Waldameer in Erie, PA. On the way up from our hotel, we stopped at a great little breakfast joint called Aunt Bee's in Cochranton. It was a windy, somewhat blustery day out by the lake.

I'll start with the coasters and rides, and address park quality, crowds, food, etc afterwards. Embedded photos may not be mine.

Waldameer offers a good selection of flat rides as well, with some unique experiences in there:

Waldameer is one of the oldest parks in the country and one of 13 "trolley parks" still operating. Even compared to Knoebels, Waldameer is downright diminuitive, coming in at only 34 acres for the entire property. Much like Knoebels, admission to the grounds is free, and you can either buy a ride-all-day wristband or pay-per-ride using the "Wally card" points system.

With the park being so small, it's easy to find your way around. It's a charming little place with a good lineup of rides and an impressive water park. The crowds were actually pretty good on a Saturday, and there were definitely some longer-than-expected waits. Ravine Flyer only ran one train, which didn't help things.

Ravine Flyer broke down twice while we were on line for the ride. The first time, we would have been on the next train, and the ride ops told us we could wait in the station. Abruptly, another op shouted "GET THEM OUT OF HERE," and we were scolded at to leave the station, and told we could wait in the queue. Then we were once again rudely scolded and told to leave the queue entirely. I was annoyed to waste 30-40 minutes in line and then, on top of that, get treated poorly. In general I thought the staff were not particularly friendly at this park. That doesn't usually bother me, but this was enough to detract from my overall experience a bit. The second breakdown was about a 15 minute delay, once again we would've been on the next train. At least we eventually got on that time.

The food all seemed to be decent. We got a bucket of fries as a snack and they were great - real fresh-cut russet potatoes, no frozen crap here.

The park's hours were rather generous, opening at 12 and closing at 9. There's more than enough time to go on all the rides at least once, and to sit down for some food. My wife broke off for a little bit during the day to check out the water park (absolutely not my thing) and enjoyed it.

Overall, Waldameer is certainly worth a visit if you're in the area. I wouldn't go out of my way to come back, but it's a good way to spend the day. If you love woodies, Ravine Flyer certainly makes it worth the visit.

So we began our road trip with two smaller, more traditional amusement parks. The next two days would be spent in a much, much different place...