Cedar Point - June 4 and 5, 2023
After two days at smaller regional parks, my wife and I were ready to move on to the "big boy" parks in our trip. The centerpiece of the trip - one of the world's best thrill parks - the second oldest amusement park in America - Cedar Point. We had two days, one very windy and cool, the other calmer and warmer, to experience this gorgeous park in all its glory.
I'll start with the coasters and rides, and address park quality, crowds, food, lodging, etc afterwards. Embedded photos may not be mine.
- Magnum XL-200 (3x, magic seat) - This 1989 Arrow hypercoaster was the first of its kind, and one of the few coasters I can point to as a driving force behind this entire road trip. Before this, I'd only ever been on smaller Arrow mine trains, and was really curious to see how the bigger Arrows were. This ride did NOT disappoint. All three rides were virtually walk-ons and we got the "magic seat" (1st car, 3rd row) every time. As someone who has ridden Skyrush multiple times from the back row, I can say Magnum redefined ejector airtime for me. Every hill flung me skywards, especially the bunny hills in the finale. By the time we hit the brake run, I was in tears from laughing so hard. This might actually be my favorite ride in the park.
- Maverick - (2x, middle) - Two launches, a top speed of 70 mph, a 95-degree first drop, batshit laterals, excellent airtime. This 2007 Intamin blitz coaster offers perhaps the most intense ride in the park. The line moves slowly due to the low-capacity trains, but it's absolutely worth the wait. I would have lapped this thing over and over if I could.
- Steel Vengeance (3x, front, middle, back) - Essentially a split decision on whether people consider SV or Gwazi to be the best RMC, but either way, I was incredibly excited to ride this 2018 RMC hybrid built on the bones of the infamous Dinn coaster Mean Streak. It did not disappoint in the slightest. From first drop to brake run, the pacing is phenomenal, the airtime is absolutely wild, and the hangtime moments are incomparable. I found that this ride was spectacular and very consistent from all parts of the train, so don't feel bad if you don't get the exact seat you want.
- Millennium Force (2x, back/middle) - The world's first giga was my own first giga as well. Intamin produced this monster at the turn of the millennium and it is a real doozy. While this ride won't produce the intense airtime or laterals that thoosies seek, but it is an absolute speed demon with a top speed of 93 mph. I would have loved to have gotten a front seat ride on this baby. There is a real epic feeling to this coaster in the queue and the station. The anticipation in line is unmatched! This was my wife's favorite coaster in the park.
- GateKeeper (2x - once on each side) - The way this 2013 B&M wing coaster flies over the park's front gate is one of the most beautiful sights in any theme park I've visited. I actually may have gotten a little choked up by it on first sight. (Don't laugh, this trip was special for me!) The wing design is absolutely fucking terrifying at first, but the coaster itself is so smooth and graceful that the fear quickly subsides and allows you to take in the ride. The first 164 ft drop is great, especially from the left side of the train. The near-misses in the "keyholes" are a great feature. And it's a nice long cycle so you really have time to appreciate it. The vest restraints are a nice touch and a huge upgrade over the old-fashioned B&M OTSR, which I had issues with on some of the other rides at this park. With all that said, there is something strangely foreboding in its design and in the station. It feels like an evil supervillain designed the coaster and is sending us to our dooms.
- Valravn (2x - middle, front) - This 2016 B&M dive coaster was our first big ride of the visit. I'd never been on a dive coaster before, and it didn't disappoint. As they say, it's a one-trick pony, but it's a really good trick. The 214 ft drop is absolutely bonkers, especially from the front row. There are some great inversions and a second drop as well, one with last pop of airtime. Vest restraints are a major plus. To me, this is the second-best B&M in the park behind GateKeeper. Be warned that you WILL get plastered with bugs if you ride this thing in the front row. We basically had to scrape the guts off of our legs and faces, and I'm pretty sure I swallowed a few.
- Raptor (1x, front) - We were on a bit of a high after riding Valravn and went for Raptor, a 1994 B&M invert that looked like it had a great layout. While the layout is quite good and forceful, the headbanging on this ride was just terrible. I had to pop a Tylenol afterwards and take a short break while it kicked in. The rattley, headbanging B&M would become a theme of this trip, at least at the Cedar Fair parks we visited. Surprising to us, because the B&Ms at SFGAdv, SFNE, and Hershey are all great smooth rides with no headbanging at all.
- Rougarou (1x, front) - Originally opened in 1996 as the stand-up coaster Mantis, this was converted to a floorless in 2015 and renamed Rougarou, with a brand-new color scheme and theme. The location of the coaster over a small pond was pretty cool, and I liked how the queue basically floated there next to the station. The layout seems decent and forceful, as well as a bit unique from having been designed as a stand-up ride. The first half with its massive loop was actually quite good. The second half was a headbanging nightmare, with one moment during the corkscrew being a particularly aggressive hit.
- Blue Streak (1x, back) - I really enjoyed this old woodie! A 1964 PTC woodie with a unique sky-blue paint job, this actually has a great first job and some pretty good airtime over the first couple of hills. It's not a mind-blowing woodie but it's not a disastrously rough or boring ride. I wanted to get on it one more time, but just didn't have enough time in the day.
- Gemini (1x, blue train) - Gemini was closed on our first day and I was worried I wouldn't get to ride it at all. Thankfully, it opened on day 2. A 1978 steel-tracked, wooden-framed (hybrid!) Arrow racer, this coaster has a little bit of jank, but the racing aspect of it is phenomenal! There are not many coasters that can race this closely or emulate such a good back-and-forth race. I loved that the trains exchanged the lead multiple times before the finish, and I thought this ride moved surprisingly fast for its layout. For me this is a "sleeper hit" at the park.
- Corkscrew (2x, middle) - This coaster oozes personality. The corkscrews hanging over the park's midway are iconic. However, this 1976 Arrow is showing its age. The transitions in this ride are a bit brutal. I still rode it a second time anyway (my wife went on the drop tower instead - I won't touch those). What can I say? I liked it. It's cool!
- Iron Dragon (1x) - I'd never been on a suspended Arrow coaster before and was really excited for me first experience. Built in 1987, this coaster didn't disappoint. I enjoyed the swinging sensation as the ride made its turns, and thought the setting of the ride over the water and in the woods was really cool. Another ride I absolutely would have re-ridden if I had the time. Again - I liked it. It's cool!
- Cedar Creek Mine Ride (2x) - My wife and I actually really liked this 1969 Arrow mine train. It was surprisingly smooth for its age and offered a decently thrilling/entertaining experience while not being too intense or rough. This is a good cooldown ride if you've just eaten a crappy cheeseburger and don't want to get too crazy just yet.
- Wild Mouse (1x) - This was actually how we started our first day. We had early entry thanks to our platinum passes and wanted to get on Gatekeeper first thing, but it was closed due to high winds. This is actually not your run-of-the-mill Wild Mouse, but a brand-new glass smooth Zamperla with comfy cars and great theming. This is a fantastic spin on the Wild Mouse, and I'd go on it again if the line wasn't long. The whole boardwalk area as a whole is really nicely done!
- Top Thrill Dragster (0x) - Excited to see what becomes of this. Wish I could have ridden the old Dragster, but I've been on Kingda Ka, so I'll take that I guess.
- Wilderness Run (0x) - Whoops, I missed Intamin's first-ever coaster. I'll get you next time!
Cedar Point also has a decent selection of flat rides, although the coasters are obviously the star of the show:
- Cedar Downs - What an unusual ride. Manufactured in 1920 by Prior and Church, this is essentially a very fast Carousel that plays out like a funny horse race. It's been in the park since 1967. There's not too many of these left, so it's absolutely worth the time.
- Super Himalaya/Matterhorn - Not many parks can say they have BOTH of these.
- Wave Swinger - This Wave Swinger has the shortest cycle ever.
- Dodgem - We almost went on these, but it seemed like the ride had almost too many cars in it? Like everyone was moving really slowly because it was like a big traffic jam. We skipped it.
- Cedar Point & Lake Erie Railroad - Actually a nice touch to have a train that transports you across the park. This place is huge!
- Giant Wheel - A relatively large ferris wheel located right by the water. Beautiful views of Lake Erie and the park. I liked that the gondolas didn't swing much on this ride, it made me feel a lot more secure.
I was also impressed with the park's three large kiddie areas!
Cedar Point is one of a few parks that could be considered meccas for lovers of roller coasters. I was incredibly excited to come here, but I was still unprepared for the magnitude of it all. The skyline that you see on the drive in is absolutely MAGNIFICENT. This park has a vibe and atmosphere unlike any other park - there is almost a "spook" to it that is hard to describe. You get sucked into it the same way the vibes at Disney and Universal suck you in. It's one of the best park vibes I've ever felt.
The lineup of coasters here is ridiculously strong. The rides are generally more intense than their Six Flags or Hershey counterparts. I don't think I've been in a park that had a more complete lineup of coasters ever. It's on a completely different level.
The park itself is also GIGANTIC. I had no idea just how big this place really is. The rides all feel quite separated and far-flung. This gives the park a unique opportunity to create really unique feelings in each section. The boardwalk, various midways and Frontier Town all have noticeably different atmospheres, and it's really very cool. It's hard to believe that something like the area surrounding Maverick and Steel Vengence are contained in the same park as the boardwalk area near GateKeeper.
The park seems to be exceptionally well-maintained and manicured. The landscaping is impressive and everything was squeaky clean. Even the footpaths were bright and fresh looking. No faded or chipped paint to be found, unlike at every Six Flags park I've ever visited.
It was occasionally difficult to find our way around. There aren't many park maps posted up, and there's not really any useful signs either pointing you to a given destination. That would be handy to have. This appears to be a chain-wide issue as we noted the same thing at Kings Island.
The crowds on both of our visits were not bad at all. Unusually, we found the park was less crowded on Sunday than it was on Monday. Either way, we didn't wait long for most rides, with the worst waits being for Maverick and Millie. Some rides, like Steel Vengeance and Magnum, boasted surprisingly short waits every time.
I mentioned a crappy burger before. Sadly the burger I had was pretty bad. Some of the food looked decent, but I was too gun-shy to try the (fantastic smelling) BBQ food. I didn't want to have a stomach ache at the park, you know?
There is something interesting about the B&Ms at this park, and this is something we noticed across the three Cedar Fair parks we visited. My wife and I have visited SFGAdv and Hershey a bunch, and hold B&M in high regard for their reliable and smooth rides. Coasters like Great Bear, Batman GAdv, Batman SFNE, Medusa, etc are all quite smooth and enjoyable experiences. The two rides here that used B&M's older OTSR system were one-and-dones for us due to the untenable amount of headbanging we experienced. We walked off both coasters with splitting headaches, and I found it difficult to ride them defensively. GateKeeper and Valravn used the vest restraints, which were much much more comfortable and obviously eliminated the headbanging. I think putting those restraints on Raptor and Rougarou would go a long way. The roughness we experienced on Cedar Fair's collection of B&Ms (CP, KI, Dorney) makes me wonder if this is why many thoosies are so quick to shit on them! I also wonder if the chain has issues maintaining their B&Ms.
The park's hours I felt were very generous once again. Being able to enter at 9 AM with the Platinum pass was a major plus.
We stayed at a real crappy motel called Cedar Cove directly across the street from the Thirsty Pony bar in Sandusky. It was the cheapest option that wasn't loaded with reviews shouting bedbugs in all caps. I still wouldn't stay there again - too many people loitering outside the room and in the parking lots. Nobody warns you just how sad the town of Sandusky is once you leave the immediate vicinity of Cedar Point. It's a pretty depressed place unless you're right next to the park or the Great Wolf Lodge. Next time I visit CP, I'll probably just bite the bullet and stay at Hotel Breakers or Lighthouse Point. They looked really nice and I love the idea of being RIGHT THERE by the park.
Even though the surrounding town was a bit unusual, we did have a nice few breakfasts and dinners at Dianna's Deli. Friendly staff and good food for cheap!
So in the end, I got to visit the most famous roller coaster park in America for two days. Not even a full year after really getting over my fear in earnest and I dove head-first into the hobby. It felt like I had climbed some kind of Everest.
Oddly enough, though, it wasn't really Cedar Point that inspired this trip... There was a rather unusual woodie that was the foundation for this entire trip. And that's where we went next.
- Cedar Point is obviously the real deal and meets all of the hype.
- Absolutely incredible lineup of coasters
- Beautiful location in an otherwise sad town
- I want to come back here. I WANT TO COME BACK HERE EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE