Six Flags New England - May 26, 2024
Six Flags New England! A park I visited for a few summers as a child. While it's not quite the park it used to be, it has one of the best one-two punches of any park, and a solid supporting cast. It's also a very good-looking park by Six Flags standards, and has retained much of its regional/trolley park atmosphere from the days it operated as Riverside Park.
I'll address rides first, then get to park quality, crowds, food, etc afterwards.
- Pandemonium (1x) - We "rope dropped" this great little spinner which tends to grow a large line quickly. It's a slow loader like any single-car-loading coaster, but the wait was still over an hour long. This set the tone for much of the visit. I'll cover more of that later on in the TR, but the ride itself is really quite fun. It's a family-friendly affair, and no two rides are the same.
- Flashback (1x) - My wife went to ride SkyScreamer which I just won't touch, and I went to Flashback, which she hates. I've only been on one Boomerang, and it's the renovated Jolly Rancher Remix at Hersheypark, which has been nicely maintained and has the new vest restraints. This one has not been nicely maintained, and sports the older Vekoma OTSRs. So it's a rather unpleasantly headbanging affair. I would say this probably doesn't have much time left... but I have to guess they're going to keep this running for as long as they can.
- Wicked Cyclone (2x) - I got off Boomerang quickly and saw my wife was in quite a long line for the Skyscreamer, so I jumped on the WiCy line for a quick run. The ride immediately crapped out on the lift hill and the queue cleared out quickly. I figured it would get back up shortly, and it did! I grabbed the seat with the shortest wait, the train left the station, and... stopped dead. It went forward a couple more feet and stopped again. "Wicked Cyclone is experiencing a temporary delay in operation." From the train, I can see my wife leaving SkyScreamer. Nooooooo, I almost beat her back! After a few minutes, the train starts moving again, and the ride is excellent as always. It's everything you want from an RMC in a small footprint. It's my 3rd-ranked RMC behind Wildcat's Revenge and Steel Vengeance, ahead of Jersey Devil. The second ride happened later in the day with my wife in tow, and we rode back seat.
- Superman: The Ride (1x) - God, this is a fantastic ride. The slow lift hill to the top with the Superman theme playing the whole way. The incredible view of the river to your left and the park to your right. A fantastic first drop, elite airtime on the camelbacks, a beautifully intense twister section, and some good bunny hills before a hard right turn back into the station. This ride takes a lot of flak lately due to the "U-Brick" restraints, but I don't think they're a problem in the slightest. For me (5'6" 170lbs), they rest an inch or two away from my midsection, so airtime isn't hindered, and they're really not uncomfortable. The wait on this ride was not bad at all, and the ops were moving quick. Temporarily, my faith in humanity was restored! Sometimes on a bad park day, it's nice to have a ride that reminds you of how fucking good roller coasters are when everything is going right. When we came by later to reride, it was closed with no ETA on reopening.
- Gotham City Gauntlet (1x) - You may think this is an ordinary Wild Mouse. However, it's so much more than that. It's a torture device masquerading as an amusement park ride. It's the Heimlich Maneuver come to life as a roller coaster. It's the worst Wild Mouse I've ever been on, yet I have to ride it every time. Beware of the last set of brakes if you've just eaten, need to take a dump, or have had a hernia operation.
- Catwoman's Whip (1x) - Another ride with bizarre operations that I'll go over later in the TR. To sum it up, the poor ops at this ride turned what should've been a people eater into a relatively long wait. The ride itself is a family coaster with an extra-long train. It's very tame towards the front, but surprisingly whippy towards the back with some great laterals.
- Batman: The Dark Knight (1x) - An underrated unique B&M floorless with an outstanding big loop and Zero-G roll, along with a couple of corkscrews. This is a fantastic front row ride. There is a very slight rattle, but push your head forward and you'll be just fine. Unfortunately, ops here also left a lot to be desired, and the wait for this was torturously long.
- Thunderbolt (1x) - Skipped earlier in the day due to a long line, we came back later with a much shorter wait. This is a smaller unique vintage woodie with a real old-school feel. Some recent trackwork worked out nicely. Ride ops need to manually brake the train as it comes into the station, and manually release each car's restraints when the train is stopped. Not terribly rough, and if you're riding closer to the back, there is a brief and shocking ejector pop before the turnaround to go back to the station.
- Riddler Revenge (0x) - Closed during our visit. Possibly closed for a longer span of time? Not sure. Haven't heard much about this. I assume there must be a maintenance issue if it was closed on such a crowded day. When running, this Vekoma SLC is a solid ride, with newer vest restraints to mitigate much of the roughness.
- The Joker (0x) - The same S&S Freespin that exists at many other Six Flags parks, I'd rather go home than wait over an hour in line for this. Ops on these particular coasters are slower than ever with the way they've been running them this year, but it is apparently for safety and/or maintenance reasons.
A good selection of flats here:
- Carousel - Carousel from 1909, relocated here in 1940. The only Carousel I've ever ridden that requires you to put on a seatbelt.
- Houdini - Closed!
- Scrambler - This is a slooooooooooow Scrambler, in stark contrast to the wild one at Six Flags America.
- Gotham City Crime Wave - A nice zippy Wave Swinger.
- Bumper Cars - Tweaked this year with new music and neon lights.
- Cyborg: Hyper Drive - A fun Chance Freestyle, but it gets really warm in the building, and the line for this was brutal all day.
- Sky Screamer - A big ol' 400ft big swing. I don't like these, but my wife does.
- Scream - Triple drop tower that was surprisingly running more than one tower during our visit. It's always been running just one the last few times I've been here.
A word about park operations and Flash Passes:
Visiting a park on Memorial Day Weekend is always a touch-and-go affair when it comes to crowds, but the crowds at SFNE were actually not as bad as I was expecting. Unfortunately, the experience was marred by awful park operations. The staff seemed to be doing the best they could given the circumstances.
Let's start with Pandemonium. SFNE removed the shade from this long queue, as well as any nearby misters. Additionally, the Flash Pass handling in this park is atrocious. The standby line for Pandemonium slammed to a halt when my wife and I were only a few people away from the station because of a slow trickle of Flash Passes coming through. We waited in the same spot for 40 minutes before the ride ops allowed more regular standby guests to enter the station. I don't hold it against anyone for buying skip-the-line passes, but between the removal of the shades and misters, AND the poor Flash Pass handling, it's obvious that SFNE (and perhaps the chain as a whole) is making the standby line experience as unpleasant as possible in order to sell more Flash Passes. They've also removed Single Rider lines from this park, another nefarious way to punish people who haven't shelled out. Unsurprising scummy business practices from Six Flags.
A similar issue at Catwoman's Whip. Gates open, Flash Passers are allowed to enter and board the train, then standby line is allowed through. But the gates only seem to open for a limited time, so massive swaths of the very-long train are left empty once the gates close, as many of the kids riding need to be measured for height. With such a long train, this ride should absolutely rip through riders, but because it's run in this ass-backwards fashion, it takes way too long to get on. The line for this coaster was obscene by the end of the day because of this.
Batman was another wait that took way longer than it really needed to, especially when running two trains. Once again it comes to a total neglect of the standby line when Flash Passers are present. If you never stagger the lines, the standby line slows to a full stop, while Flash Passes just keep on coming. For the first time ever at any park, I heard other parkgoers complaining about this as well in almost every queue that day, and the increasing discontent and frustration among many of the park guests was noticeable as the day went on.
I'm not one of those people who will ever yell or demean skip-the-line users at the park. I think it's fucked up and weird to try and start fights at an amusement park over a service that anyone can buy. If you paid for it, then I'm not here to judge. But the park needs to handle these things better, because the regular old standby line experience (the vast majority of the parkgoers) is awful! No other parks have these issues with their skip-the-line systems. Hersheypark, Cedar Point, Kings Island, etc handle much bigger crowds and don't have these issues. But from what I've observed at both SFGAdv and SFNE, the chain is artificially inflating standby wait times and making those waits as unpleasant as possible in an effort to sell more Flash Passes. Premiumization is here, and it is actively hostile to the average customer.
Moving on from that:
SFNE shows much of the decline and decay exhibited by the rest of the chain sans SFFT. While the rides are still fun, there seem to be maintenance issues, and these coasters are overall rougher than they were two years ago. And the concession prices have spiked out of control - $17 for a slice of pizza? $18 for a hot dog? $9 for a bottle of Powerade? Get real.
The theming of the park overall is decent, especially towards the park's entrance, the Old West area, and in the DC area near Superman. Towards the Batman/Joker area, it's more of a collection of rides in a flat concrete patch.
The crowdedness of the park only worsened once Hurricane Harbor closed, so we cut the day short early and grabbed dinner around 7pm. Monday's forecast was extremely foreboding, with thunderstorms engulfing basically the entire day, so we headed home. Apparently the rain ended up holding up until after 4pm that day, but I had had my fill of SFNE for the weekend.
- A fantastic one-two punch with Superman and Wicked Cyclone
- Solid roster of supporting coasters such as Batman, Riddler Revenge, the Joker, Thunderbolt, and Pandemonium
- This park, just like SFGAdv, could be truly excellent, but it's run like a horse's ass