Carowinds - July 12 and 13, 2024
Coaster Trip 2024 commenced on a balmy Friday morning at Carowinds. I was excited to finally try the much-lauded giga Fury 325 as well as Copperhead Strike. My wife and I spent about a day and a half at Carowinds, and while it's not a perfect park by any means, it was still a good time.
I'll talk rides first, and get to the rest afterwards.
- Fury 325 - The park's main event was my first coaster of the day. This is a gorgeous looking B&M giga with some interesting unique elements like the "treble clef." This is a very good ride and I got several rides from different parts of the train, but overall, I was not super blown away by my rides on Fury. I most enjoyed it from the front row, where the laterals feel more immediate, and you can feel the wind whipping your face. The drop is solid, but somehow feels less than the advertised 320 feet. The speed is good, but doesn't quite annihilate you the way 95 mph feels like it should. It's just a little too polite, and for me, that doesn't quite meet the hype. I will give it credit for being very rerideable, and I love the dip under the bridge. One ride we ended up sharing a row with "The Fury Guy" McLain Waddell, who has over 11,600 rides on Fury. Good dude!
- Hurler - I took one look at Hurler and expected this ride to absolutely destroy me with roughness and give me a migraine. It did neither of those things, and in fact, I'd give it the same criticism I gave Fury: it's just too dang polite. There's not much in the way of forces on this ride from any part of the train. I was determined to get one good ride on this thing and may have ridden it more than any other coaster in the park, just because I was so frustrated that it provided such a limp experience. It is funny though, it rattles and shuffles through its lineup, but doesn't hurt to ride at all.
- Carolina Cyclone - One and done. Not as painful as the similar Steamin' Demon at Great Escape, but not as fulfilling as Corkscrew at CP.
- Ricochet - It's a Wild Mouse.
- Carolina Goldrusher - This was actually one of my favorite mine trains ever. It had an unexpected bite at times, and the little off-kilter hill in the tunnel just before the brakes was a great surprise. I always love how well these old Arrow mine trains still ride, even if they aren't that intense. They're not meant to be, after all.
- Flying Cobras - I can't tell you how elated I was to get to the station of Carowinds' resident boomerang to see vest restraints instead of OTSRs. This provided a ride as smooth yet intense as Hersheypark's Jolly Rancher Remix, and it is mostly thanks to the vests.
- Copperhead Strike - Now this is an underrated, underappreciated ride. The launches are solid, and the inversions are taken in such a way to give you ass-out-of-the-seat hangtime. With Copperhead's lapbars, that makes for one freaky coaster. I love the jojo roll out of the station as well, and it always elicits a great reaction from the other riders. I thought the theming in the area and the queue was good, and I love the attention to detail on the train designs. Overall, a nice mini-Maverick, and my favorite ride in the park. One of my rides was marred by a
kid grown-ass adult in the seat in front of me who decided to take a selfie video for the entire ride. I wanted to lay into him after the ride was over, but I'd rather not start a fight.
- Nighthawk - I've been on Superman at SFGAdv, a B&M flyer, plenty of times. That experience simply does not prepare you for the Vekoma Flying Dutchman. Laying down in the station with the blood rushing to your head is a far more intense feeling, and not one I enjoyed very much. The ride itself is just way wilder than the B&M flyer experience, and while I'd normally be into that, it was one of the few rides this entire trip where I didn't feel so hot afterwards. It also ran one train on both days, and especially on Friday where every ride was a walk-on, this had a 45 minute wait.
- Afterburn - WOW. While not the smoothest B&M invert I've ever been on (that prize goes to Great Bear), this is an ELITE layout for an invert. Awesome and forceful. I enjoyed this ride, and it briefly took the crown as my top B&M invert, but only for a day or two. On a quiet Friday afternoon, I enjoyed back-to-back rides without having to leave my back row seat. It does send my double chin in all sorts of directions... I gotta get in shape.
- Thunder Striker - I thought this was a very good B&M hyper, ranking behind Candymonium and Nitro, and ahead of Diamondback in my opinion. Seven camelbacks provide ample airtime, and the profiling of the turnaround and the spiral back into the station give it a little unique spin that distinguish it from the others. This commanded the longest line by far on our Saturday visit, so we skipped it that day.
- Vortex - I'm going to be honest with you and say I really don't know what B&M was thinking when they built their stand-up coasters. Sure, they improve on the TOGO stand-up coasters that preceded them, but this was an easy one-and-done in my book. Make it a floorless and call it a day.
Carowinds offers some good flats as well:
- Gear Spin - The Zamperla NebulaZ continue to spread like wildfire. Or fungus.
- Gyro Force - Finally, a Trabant! I've been looking for a Trabant for ages. Guess what, guys? I FUCKING MISSED THIS ONE BECAUSE I DIDN'T WALK FAR ENOUGH. I'm so fucking mad. I had no idea this was even in the park. I'm so goddamn embarrassed and annoyed about this right now.
- Scrambler - It's Scrambler.
- Carousel - A vintage 1923 PTC Carousel with an interesting history. Stop and read the sign.
- Electro-Spin - These Mondial Top Scans always look insane.
- WindSeeker - Big-ass swing. I don't do this, but my wife does.
- Drop Tower - These Intamin drop towers have a punchy drop and intense brakes. Way better than most.
Carowinds was the first stop of this year's coaster extravaganza trip. The park feels relatively compact and easy to navigate, but is actually deceptively large, especially with its attached water park. The vibe of the park feels a bit... old? Outdated? Fury 325 notwithstanding, I got the vibe of walking through my home parks (SFGAdv/Hershey) 20-25 years ago, before things were renovated and modernized, but also before those old things got super crapped up. Like, the park seemed pretty well-maintained overall.
Of course, our trip began in the midst of an awful heat wave. Almost every park day on this trip was spent in sunny and humid mid-90s weather. Like other Cedar Fair parks, shade at Carowinds is inconsistent. Sections of the park, like immediately around the Mine Train area, are pretty well shaded. Others, like the area near Copperhead and the water park entrance, can get very hot. The heat and sun forced my wife and I to move quickly on both days. Thank goodness there are a ton of refill stations, and none give you trouble about refilling a plastic water bottle. I also appreciated the park's insistence on offering ice-cold water at any dining location.
Speaking of dining, we didn't get much, but we did enjoy an order of cheese fries from Fair Fries. I'm a sucker for fresh-cut fries at amusement parks, and these were pretty good.
The crowds at this park were, of all the non-Six-Flags parks on this trip, the most "Six Flaggy." By that I mean it was jam packed with rowdy kids, and fewer families. On our second ride on Carolina Goldrusher, the two cars in front of us had four kids basically having a huge slap fight during the ride and on the brake run. "IF YOU TOUCH ME AGAIN THEN YOU'RE GAY," shouted one of the 12-year-olds. I guess not much has changed in 20 years.
The locker system here is borderline criminal. They're far too expensive for lockers that you need to have for certain rides. If you're going to require them, they need to be free or so cheap as to be a nonfactor. Carowinds lockers are EXPENSIVE. It's the worst part of the park experience without a doubt.
A few travel details for those possibly interested - we stayed about 20 minutes north of the park at the Doubletree in Tyvola. I would not recommend staying there. The parking lot is full of signs about removing all valuables and locking up your cars (turns out I missed the many reviews about car break-ins), and the whole building is super humid and dank. There are surely better options. I did get to experience my first ever meals at Biscuitville, Jack in the Box, and Cookout, and hoooo mama, you southerners certainly have way better fast food than we have in New York. Finally, we stopped at the Thomasville Antique Emporium on the way up to our next stop, and it was AWESOME. If you love antiquing and are on the way up north from Carowinds, it's a damn good way to spend a couple of hours.
- A solid lineup of rides, obviously of note a B&M giga, but an underrated multilaunch and a really great invert
- A little outdated in places, but nothing that reeks of neglect or decay
My personal ranking of the coasters at Carowinds:
- Copperhead Strike
- Afterburn
- Fury 325
- Thunder Striker
- Carolina Goldrusher
- Hurler
- Flying Cobras
- Nighthawk
- Vortex
- Ricochet
- Carolina Cyclone