Kings Dominion - July 17 and 18, 2024

Last year, I considered the "centerpiece" coasters of the trip to be Steel Vengenace and the Beast. This year, the centerpiece coasters of the trip were Fury 325 and Project 305. Exhausted from multiple days of parks in brutal heat, we tried our best to hit the ground running at Kings Dominion. That being said, day one was probably the hardest day of the entire trip due to just how hot it was.

I'll talk rides first, and get to the rest afterwards.

The park has a nice collection of flats. The Ferris Wheel feels right at home next to Racer. The vintage Carousel is always welcome. The drop tower might be my wife's favorite of all time, with a really punchy release and brakes that look and feel legitimately insane. I appreciated that they renoved their Scrambler into something that thematically fits the jungle, though it is very easy to miss. Berserker is a now-rare Looping Starship that cuts a profile almost like a mini Eiffel Tower, which is neat. The Eiffel Tower was unfortunately closed during our visit. And their Arrow log flume, Shenandoah Lumber, has a really great setting in the woods and gets you a little wetter than others.

My main criticism of Kings Dominion was amplified due to the 95-degree heat - the park's shade is so inconsistent. Parts of the park, such as the "International Street" front section, are pretty heavily shaded and comfortable. Others, like the new-ish "Jungle X-Pedition" area, are brutally hot. I nearly went down in line for Tumbili and had to spend a good 30-45 minutes sitting in the nearby restaurant, where the AC was frigid and the water was ice cold. We had to cut day one short around 3:30 PM just because the heat was killing us so much. We did manage to get on everything before then, but I was just not going to make it through the day. Day two was about 10 degrees cooler, overcast for most of the day, and rained a bit, which made things far easier on us.

This park has a few rides in its history that I wish I could have gotten to ride myself, specifically Hypersonic XLC and Volcano. Probably not Shockwave.

Remarkable is how complementary this collection of coasters is to what's available an hour away at Busch Gardens. Between the two parks, there are few repeated models, and what's repeated is hardly redundant. That being said, Busch is a much nicer park in terms of overall atmosphere, and if I could only pick one, it's gotta be Busch.

With that in mind, KD is a much nicer experience than Carowinds. It's a more welcoming, more well-maintained park with better theming. Also the lockers are far more reasonably priced here. I do think KI is a better park overall, but KD is certainly no slouch, and beyond the two parks' International Streets and Eiffel Towers, they're very different.

Ride closures were more noticeable here than at other parks we visited. At various times, Project 305, Flight of Fear, Twisted Timbers, and the big ol swings all closed for a little while.

Crowds here were manageable on both days, with virtually no waits on any of the rides except for Flight of Fear. There were a few large camp or church groups roaming about that always seemed to just beat me to the lines, so I'd go into what would have been a station wait and end up with 30 people in front of me. I'll take 30 friendly parkgoers over 5 obnoxious teenagers, though.

Some non-park travel details for those possibly interested - of all the parks we visited, KD is the most "middle of nowhere," with fewer lodging and dining options immediately nearby. We ended up staying closer to Richmond at the Avid Hotel in Ashland. It was a decent hotel with a bit of a weird vibe, and again, lots of youth groups hanging out in the lobby. We ate breakfast on day one at a local place called the Rise and Shine Diner which did not sit well with us, and definitely contributed to our first day at the park ending early. Waffle House was a better choice on day two. We also grabbed Raising Cane's on the way out of town, and god, that shit goes so hard. Best chicken fingers ever, and I could drink that sauce.


My personal ranking of the coasters at KD:

  1. Twisted Timbers
  2. Dominator
  3. Project 305
  4. Racer 75
  5. Anaconda
  6. Grizzly
  7. Flight of Fear
  8. Backlot Stunt Coaster
  9. Reptilian
  10. Apple Zapple
  11. Tumbili